A Pilot test of an oral health education module for community health workers in Ikeja LGA, Lagos State.
Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to report the experience of developing, facilitating, and evaluating a 3-day module on oral health education for Primary Health Care Workers (CHW) in Ikeja LGA Lagos State.
Methods: Twenty-one CHW in Ikeja LGA were invited for a 3-day oral health education-training program in January 2015. An oral health education manual and a flip chart developed for this purpose were used during training. Participants received didactic lectures on the first two days and participated in a practical session on the third day. A pretest was done before the training session while a posttest was done immediately and 6 months after the intervention. Data entry, validation and analysis was done using SPSS version 20.
Results: Majority of the respondents were female (95.0%), Community Health Officers (65.0%), mean age was 42.1± 10.4 years while mean years of experience was 9.7 ±10.8 years. There was a statistically significant increase (p= 0.000) in the mean knowledge score of participants immediately after the intervention. There was no difference between the results obtained immediately and at 6 months after the training (p= 0.328). All participants reported including oral health education in their routine health education sessions at the 6-month review. They also reported observing changes in client's perception and behavior regarding oral health. They identified the flipchart as a useful tool for the oral health education sessions in the PHC.
Conclusion: PHC workers can be easily trained and deployed as oral health educators particularly in areas where there is shortage of oral health care workers.